After three days of teasing, Riot Games has finally revealed the new and improved Sion. No longer is he an "Undead Champion." Henceforth, he shall be known as Sion, The Undead Juggernaut. That being said, the premise of Sion's existence is still fairly the same.
To take a life is a simple enough thing, yet no-one perfected it quite like Sion. He led army after army through the jaws of death, charging through the massed ranks of Noxus’s enemies time and time again until his burgeoning city-state stood above all nations. But even the mighty fall, and though Sion’s death shocked the people of Noxus, it ultimately also brought them safety from Demacia’s now leaderless forces.
But Sion’s story did not end with his death. Seeking to exploit the Noxians’ hero worship, Noxus’s Grand General took the drastic step of attempting to return their greatest champion from death. But if taking a life is a simple enough thing, restoring life is anything but. Sion rose again, but as something different. Without his intelligence and martial prowess, he was reduced to a simple killing machine, destroying anything – friend or foe – that stood in his way. Unable to control their weapon, the Noxians locked their former champion away. Centuries passed before another Grand General returned to Sion’s tomb determined to fully resurrect the great champion once again.
Death is no longer an obstacle for Sion – every time he falls, his commanders simply piece him back together and revive the once great man. But within his sundered body lies a soul desperately searching for the sense of self he once had, and when that sense is most awakened in times of war, then war shall be had.
Passive: Glory in Death
"Sion turns berserk once he loses all his health, gaining a full life bar along with significant attack damage, attack speed and lifesteal as he bleeds out. His abilities are all replaced by Death Surge, which gives him a huge but brief movement speed boost. Sion dies once his health drains out."
Q: Decimating Smash
"Sion plants his feet, rooting himself as he winds up and swings his axe in a broad area before him. Decimating Smash deals increasing damage the longer it’s charged, and once it’s at least half-charged, knocks up all caught enemies when unleashed."
W: Soul Furnace
"Passive: Sion earns bonus max health every time he kills a unit.
Active: Sion creates a bloody shield around him. If the shield stays intact for its duration, it explodes, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies. Sion can also detonate the shield early by reactivating the ability."
E: Roar of the Slayer
"Sion bellows in a target direction, damaging, slowing and shredding the armor of the first enemy struck. If Roar of the Slayer hits an enemy minion or jungle monster, Sion’s scream also knocks them back a significant distance. The thrown minion or monster then damages and slows all other enemy units hit."
R: Unstoppable Onslaught
"Sion starts charging in a target direction, building up speed as he moves and trampling enemy minions along his path. He can cancel his charge early, at which point he slams the ground, dealing area of effect damage to all nearby enemies. Otherwise, Sion charges an extremely long distance, only stopping once he hits an enemy champion, wall, or reaches the end of his charge. If Sion charges into an enemy champion, he knocks them up and deals area of effect damage; if he hits a wall, Sion stuns himself briefly and deals area of effect damage around him."
Sion is described as a stubborn, tanky behemoth capable in both the solo lanes and jungle of Summoner's Rift. "With slow and telegraphed attacks, Sion thrives when he chains his assult together, and revels int he thick of battle." Check out his official reveal page for a more in-depth description on how to play him in the lane or jungle, and for a better understanding of how to get the most out of him ni teamfights.