Jeremy M. Zoss

Too Much Modern War?

The Call of Duty and Medal of Honor franchises have a problem.I’m not talking about a problem with gameplay, nor…

13 years ago

We Will, We Will Rock You – Maybe

Recently, a friend and I went out and caught a metal show. High on Fire headlined, with Kylesa and Torche…

13 years ago

Will Vanquish be Vanquished?

Platinum Games has, in only a few short years, established a track record of some very solid games. Bayonetta was…

13 years ago

Zombies of Hollywood vs. Video Game Zombies

Zombies can’t be defeated.Ever since the original Night of the Living Dead, zombies have been amongst the most popular fictional…

13 years ago

One word titles are all the ‘rage’ for id Software

Id Software has a way with words. Single words.Doom. Quake. Rage. Wolfenstein. Okay, that last one is a bit of…

13 years ago

The Transformation of Bethesda

Back when I was first invited out to visit Bethesda’s offices, the publisher was focused on a particular niche. They…

13 years ago

How Not to Design a Video Game Character

He’s balding, with a scraggly fringe of long, dirty hair around the back of his head. His wifebeater is filthy,…

13 years ago

Activision is Not the Enemy

It’s easy to dislike Activision.They’ve driven the creators of the Call of Duty franchise into the arms of Electronic Arts…

13 years ago

In Defense of Infinity Ward Splintering

By Jeremy M. Zoss GameZone.comWhen the status quo in the video game industry changes, fans naturally tend to worry, especially…

13 years ago

Gone but not forgotten: Looking Back on the Studio Closures of the Great Recession

It wasn’t that long ago that the video game industry was considered recession-proof. Game sales were on the rise year…

13 years ago