Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, the sequel to Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner, was released in 1997 for the Sega Saturn…
Put the Kinect in the hands of robotics engineers and you get some amazing results. Taylor Veltrop has made a…
Ever since physics have been introduced to games, creative players have been coming up with crazy Rube Goldberg contraptions. With…
The PC community for Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam have already reached their milestone to unlock the last map for…
An announcement has been made via Mass Effect 2's in-game Cerberus Network regarding future DLC. The Cerberus Network has been…
The Independent Games Festival website has released its list of finalists for the annual festival competition. Every year the IGF…
With a name like Illusive Man you'd think Shepard's boss from Mass Effect 2 would remain, well, elusive. Luckily, a…
At the 27th annual Chaos Communication Congress, an annual meeting of members of the hacker scene, hacker group failoverflow detailed…
In the mood for a slick retro-style RPG? Cthulhu Saves the World may just be what you're looking for. It's…
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game was awesome, so anyone involved with the project is automatically on my radar…