Mike Wewerka

Writer and Co-Founder of TheFrak.com, you can catch me here on Gamezone or on Twitter at @HitSquare or @TheFrakShow

Ubisoft reverses Rainbow Six Siege price hike after backlash from angry fans

Last week, we reported that Ubisoft was going to hike the price on several editions of their now hugely popular…

7 years ago

Review: Street Fighter 5 Arcade Edition – Finally, the game we deserve!

Platform: PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One, PC Developer: Capcom, Dimps Publisher: Capcom MSRP: $39.99 Introduction When Street Fighter 5 was released…

7 years ago

For Honor Season 5: Age of Wolves brings dedicated servers and new training features

Ubisoft's For Honor is about to celebrate its anniversary by introducing new content for season 5, dubbed, Age of Wolves.…

7 years ago

Rainbow Six Seige gets new limited-time Outbreak event and a price hike!

Entering its third year in release, Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Siege seems to really be hitting its stride. It was just…

7 years ago

Dead Cells, the Metroidvania Early Access Game, is Coming to Nintendo Switch

Dead Cells, the rogue-lite, Metroidvania style action platformer that's been in early access since mid-2017 is officially coming to the Nintendo…

7 years ago

[Watch] Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, the Mobile RPG gets its first trailer

Late last year, in December, to be precise, Warner Bros announced a few new games based on Harry Potter, one…

7 years ago

Splatoon 2’s Green and Pink Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons are coming to the U.S.

Last year, when Splatoon 2 was released for the Switch, Nintendo also announced a new set of neon pink and…

7 years ago

Third-party hardware accessory manufacturer Mad Catz is back in the game

Mad Catz, the infamous third-party hardware manufacturer of R.A.T. mice and arcade sticks is back from the dead. The company…

7 years ago

Riot Games launches new League of Legends Displays App, filled with Wallpapers and Screensavers

Riot Games announced yesterday the arrival of "League Display," a new, all-in-one application available for both Mac and PC, that…

7 years ago

[Watch] Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom video shows off RTS Battle System

After facing several delays, since 2015, Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is finally coming out on March 23, but today…

7 years ago