Stuart Macdonald

Kenshi and Scarlet Coming to Mortal Kombat as DLC

Mortal Kombat 9 doesn't launch in North America until tomorrow, but NetherRealm Studios has already announced the game's first DLC…

13 years ago

PopCap Scores $100 Million Revenue In 2010

Casual gaming giant PopCap has credited the likes of Facebook and the App Store for helping it topple $100 million…

13 years ago

Over 4 Million LittleBigPlanet Levels Shared

You read that title correctly: Sony has announced that more than four million levels have been shared on LittleBigPlanet. Product…

13 years ago

THQ Exec: Red Faction: Battlegrounds Reception Is A “Disappointment”

THQ Business Development Director Lenny Brown has sounded off at critics for their reception of the latest Red Faction game,…

13 years ago

75 Percent off Steam Grand Theft Auto Classics Pack This Weekend

Another weekend, another Steam sale. This time it's Grand Theft Auto's turn, as the discount hammer smashes the Classics Pack…

13 years ago

OnLive Adds Several New Social Features

Cloud gaming service OnLive has added a number of social features to improve its user communication programs. The update also…

13 years ago

PC Black Ops Mod Tools Due in May

PC players of Call of Duty: Black Ops have been waiting for the release of mod tools since the game's…

13 years ago

“Multiple Sources” Confirm Impending Nintendo HD Console

Nintendo might be the first of the Big Three to announce a new console following the step into next generation…

13 years ago

Global Agenda Goes Free-to-Play

The free-to-play MMO club has gained another member. This time it's Global Agenda: Free Agent from Hi-Rez Studios, who today…

13 years ago

Feast Your Eyes on Two New Street Fighter X Tekken Vids

Capcom's latest crossover with Namco finally has content to show for itself. The official website for Street Fighter X Tekken…

13 years ago