Dragon Quest VIII is the latest installment in the popular Dragon Quest series (previously known as Dragon Warrior
Square Enix wants Dragon Quest to be as popular as Final Fantasy in the...
If you say the words "Final Fantasy" in the United States, virtually anyone with a casual knowledge of games will have an idea of...
Dragon Quest 7, 8 headed to 3DS in 2016
During today's Nintendo Direct, a remaster for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was revealed to be coming to the Wii U in March,...
Dragon Quest Heroes gets new PS3 and PS4 screenshots
In case you haven't heard, Dragon Quest is back!
The PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 will be graced with Dragon Quest Heroes sometime in 2015.
Dragon Quest 8: Journey of the Cursed King rides a tiger onto iOS and...
Fear not nostalgic Dragon Quest RPG fans. The eighth of the series has arrived on iOS and Android devices as of today. If Dragon...
Square Enix will be releasing mobile ports of Dragon Quest 1-8
Square Enix is already hard at work, releasing ports and remakes of their Final Fantasy titles on mobile devices, I'm guessing it was only...
Square Enix simplifies Dragon Quest 7’s shards
Square Enix is making Dragon Quest 7 a little easier on the 3DS.
One change is having visible enemies instead of random encounters, but another...