The package allows PC users play a variety of Rummy games (including classical Tile Rummy, Easy Rummi, Jin Rummi, Rozzy, Maya Rummi, Carousel, Shanghai, Tonic Rummi and original Windmill) or create their own variations of the game using built-in game editor. Each variation of the game comes with its unique theme, which includes board and cards graphics, original sounds and display effects. Additionally, players can create their own themes. The game can be played in either window or full screen mode. Original sounds create unique atmosphere of the game allowing players to relax and concentrate on thinking.

Rummi is intended for card games fans, regardless of age or previous Tile Rummy experience, who would like to play Rummi games together with friends either offline or online via Internet. Rummi features customizable AI opponents for offline play as well as manual and auto modes of online game setup. Each player has his own profile in order to store extensive statistics of his games. Rummi offers captive game play ensuring all kinds of players find the game challenging. The ability to customize game rules and switch to a stronger opponent once the player is familiar with Tile Rummy universe is the key moment. Besides being interesting, Rummi helps develop thinking and memorizing processes, especially combinative thinking, ahead-planning and strategy building.

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