The Arctic Challenge is a legendary snowboarding event, created by world champion Terje Haakonsen. This is the pinnacle event of the Ticket To Ride series where the best riders in the world get tickets to The Arctic Challenge by winning independent events in Europe, USA and Japan. It is the ultimate snowboarding event held north of the Arctic Circle in Norway..
Featuring design input from Terje, you can now experience all the excitement of the event on mobile. Compete as 3 of the world’s top riders (Travis Rice, Andy Finch and Gretchen Bleiler), on 4 international courses and with 6 different boards to ride. The game is all about pulling off the best tricks, with style being the dominant factor -you can even play back tricks with video replay pick ups. With realistic 3D graphics and a host of jumps and rails to ride, The Arctic Challenge offers players the ride of their lives
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