22 Jump Street red band trailer sends Tatum and Hill to college

I thought 21 Jump Street was going to suck. I was pleasantly surprised when that wasn't the case. Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Rob Riggle, Ice Cube, Dave Franco and Nick Offerman — with an awesome cameo from someone close to the TV show — provided unexpected hilarity. It was seriously a funny movie.

The sequel, 22 Jump Street, gets the gang back together as the duo of Schmidt and Jenko (Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, respectively), head to college. It looks just as funny as the first one, and I seriously can't wait to watch it — I can't believe I just said that about a Channing Tatum movie…

22 Jump Street hits theaters on June 13, 2014.

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at LLiebl@GameZone.com