2DWrestling parodies WWE with chiptunes and 2D visuals

Though it's certainly seen better days, I consider myself a pretty big fan of WWE's brand of professional wrestling. Sure, they may be calling it "entertainment," but with guys like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho delivering exciting grappling and submission moves, it's impossible to deny the fact that there's actual wrestling on WWE TV.

Aside from being a fan of wrestling, I also enjoy chiptunes music, 2D graphics, and parodies. So it should come as no surprise that 2DWrestling was something that I didn't even know I wanted … until I watched it unfold before my very eyes.

2DWrestling could be best described as an animated 2D professional wrestling spoof. The whole thing just has this FirePro Wrestling vibe, but that's not to say it's lacking in originality. It's actually really well done, delivering some funny writing and cool moments.

The video above, for example, showcases a match between 2D Punk and Chris Kericho for the 2DWrestling Championship. Obviously, these are references to both CM Punk and Chris Jericho. The event takes place on 2D War, which is a parody of WWE's flagship Raw show. If that wasn't enough spoofy awesomeness, finishing moves, commentators, and legends are all parodied, too.

If you're a video game-loving wrestling fan, you should definitely check out 2DWrestling. Also, where the heck can I buy this game? Seriously, this is starting to look better than the upcoming WWE '13.

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