April 21, 2010
2XL ATV Offroad Lite Races into
the App Store
Lite Version Offers Real Rewards
2XL Games today announced 2XL ATV
Offroad Lite for the iPhone and iPod Touch. 2XL ATV Offroad Lite, sponsored by
World of Powersports, is a slice of the smash hit and features one of the
Nationals tracks from the full game.
2XL ATV Offroad Lite also introduces
Real Rewards to the App Store. Players can compete to win real-world prizes,
coupons and more. As a bonus, players who sign up for Real Rewards will also get
to tear up one track from the original 2XL Supercross.
“We think that BlackBox
Interactive’s Real Rewards SDK will prove to be revolutionary for games," said
Rick Baltman, President of 2XL. “By providing a continuous stream of new prizes
to give away, money-saving coupons to hand out, along with events and promotions
to compete in, players are not only highly motivated to finish in first place,
but they will want to keep playing to see what they can win next. This truly
adds longevity to our games.”
Real Rewards also provides a full
dynamic content engine that changes the images around the track as you play.
Instead of using invasive ads that interrupt your game, the changing content is
built right into the user interface and 3D game world, providing a new
experience each time the player engages.
Rev those engines and make dirt fly
by checking out 2XL ATV Offroad Lite here: