During San Diego Comic-Con 343 Industries revealed that Halo 5: Guardians' story would be most-appreciated by players that didn't rush through it, but that's not all they revealed. Much to the delight of fans interested in the $250 Limited Collector's Edition, they are looking into including a physical copy of the game in the expensive Collector's Edition instead of a digital one.
At the moment, the Limited Collector's Edition comes with quite a bit of physical items and will be available to purchasers a week early, but it includes a digital version of the game instead of a physical version.
Halo 5's franchise development director Frank O'Connor spoke on the decision to go digital instead of physical, saying it wasn't an easy decision and that it was made in hopes of achieving balance with production dates:
"The honest answer is that we did a lot of research and we didn't make that decision lightly," he said. "We have a significant number of people who want the game early. And with the digital version, we had to balance that against the production dates for the statue and all that.
And we get it. Nobody thought this announcement was going to happen and would be easy and everyone would be happy. But the reality is humans feel loss more than they feel gain. So some things don't make up for things you lose."
O'Conner went on to say that 343 Industries has heard the feedback and are looking to solve the issue, "we hope that we'll be able to make everyone who wants what they want as happy as they possibly can. And, again, we'll have more to announce about that at a later date."