444 PS4 consoles to be sold at Sony’s NYC launch event; line now open

Didn't pre-order a PS4 in time for Friday's launch? Don't worry, Sony has got 444 of you covered, provided you can make it to The Standard, High Line hotel in New York City by midnight on November 15th.

Over on the PlayStation Blog, Sony announced they will be selling an additional 444 PS4 units at the above location on a first come, first serve basis. Lines are already open at Washington and Little 12th (just look for the sign with the PlayStation logo), and I wouldn't be surprised if people are already waiting. If you do plan on camping out for one of these units, make sure you bring your credit card as cash is not being accepted.

In addition to the additional units, it's going to be a huge launch party with gaming kiosks, projections on walls and other "non-traditional" locations, and developers on-hand to talk to.

If you don't feel like waiting in line and freezing your bum off, there's always the GameStop option.