Soon you can play one of the best horror adventures around without needing a handheld device. Sort of.
Aksys Games is bringing 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors to the App Store next Monday, March 17, according to a tweet from director of production Frank deWindt II. The visual novel released for DS in 2010, but not everyone owns that handheld. If you have a smartphone or tablet, you'll be able to play it on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad as 999: The Novel next week.
999 spawned a sequel called Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, which is available for 3DS and PlayStation Vita. With any luck, Aksys will publish that on iOS as well.
Fans are currently campaigning through Operation Bluebird on Facebook to get a third game made.
#999thenovel coming to iPhone, iPad & iPod touch on 3/17! :3 Make sure to get it! Official website is up too!
— Frank deWindt II (@Bo_deWindt) March 10, 2014