For those of you with an expendable funds or were planning to go hunt down stores with additional, unclaimed PSVR units, I have great news for you! Amazon will be selling a very limited number of PSVR units starting at 12 AM ET tonight.
The PSVR was previously sold out (and probably will be once again before dawn) and many people found it wildly hard to get their hands on one. Sony opened pre-orders on several occasions, but they ended up selling out all units in a matter of minutes each time! So, if you want one get your credit cards ready and have Amazon loaded up when the clock strikes midnight eastern time!
GameStop will also be holding a similar deal which will let people walk into select stores or go online and purchase a unit (if they're quick enough to get their hands on one).
PSVR launches tomorrow and will start at $399, there are a wide variety of titles for players to pick up tomorrow including Batman: Arkham VR, Job Simulator, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, and more! Each unit will also have a demo disc that allows people to get a feel for the new, innovative technology.
We recently got to go hands on with PSVR and play the upcoming Resident Evil 7 and came to the conclusion that PSVR will change games in a major way. PSVR is something you'll certainly want to try if you get the chance!