A shock collar that goes off every time you die in a video game? No thanks

I’m all for harder video games and getting a better experience while gaming, but I’m no masochist.  A guy named ‘Furrtek’ came up with an idea for training gamers by shocking them whenever their character feels pain or dies.  How?  Through shock collars designed for dogs is how. 

By moding Genesis controllers and through hacking ROM images to trigger events, he was able to make the collars activate in response to the game play.  I believe the idea behind this is that in gaming it is easy to become numb to the repercussions of failure and dying.  If you are feeling physical pain every time you mess up, suddenly you have more motivation to do well.  I get it… but it’s still barbaric. 

All I’m saying is if I played Dark Souls with this thing around my neck I’d most likely be dead.  To see how it works, watch ‘Furrtek’ and his friend ‘Dyak’ play Sonic – the pain looks intense.  Nooooo thank you.


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ