It took 7 years of dedication and passion but today, one of the most ambitious mods for Fallout: New Vegas has been released today with Fallout: New California. You can download the Beta release right now over at the project’s page on ModDB and enjoy a huge campaign, larger than even official DLCs.
Radian-Helix Media is the modding crew behind Fallout: New California. It seems like ages ago when they first announced their fan-campaign, then called Project Brazil. But despite skepticism that the mod would ever be finished, the team continued to pour their free time into their passion project.
Earlier this summer, the modding group announced that the completion was indeed imminent and revealed their plans to release FNC this October. It looks like the years of experience helped them judge development progress very well, as Fallout: New California is now available as promised.

The fan campaign obviously requires Fallout: New Vegas but other than that, the installation should be pretty simple. You can either use a Mod Manager or drag&drop FNC into New Vegas’ DATA folder. You can read a lot more helpful tips on setting up New California here.
The timing of Fallout: New California couldn’t be better with the beta launch of Fallout 76 having just started. Fans of the franchise who want a more traditional single-player wasteland experience or are simply disappointed with the direction Fallout 76 is going should definitely take a look.
RHM is promising a mod of unseen proportions with New California. As such, they don’t even call it a DLC but rather a new campaign. FNC takes place between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3/New Vegas and offers an entirely unique location, story and characters. With up to 30 hours of content, the mod is surely going to offer enough new content for even veterans of the franchise.
The developer also released a document of Recommended Mods here, so players can further enhance their adventures.