It sure looks like recent rumors, leaks and insider talks about Horizon: Zero Dawn getting a PC port are true. A listing by Amazon France – which has been taken offline already – showed a Horizon version for PC. Not only that but it also said that the game is being published by Sony themselves for PC.

East European internet commentators who supposedly had industry connections first started the outlandish claims that Guerrilla Games’ excellent PS4 exclusive was headed for the PC early this year. Naturally, with no concrete proof to back those claims, no one really believed them. Even if they wanted to.
This changed drastically however after Jason Schreier from Kotaku confirmed them, citing his own sources. With Schreier having long proven that he indeed has credible sources, suddenly the idea of a PC port of Horizon: Zero Dawn became very credible. But neither Sony nor Guerilla Games commented on the news.
Now, another big leak is pouring oil to the fire and further giving credibility to the story. The French website of Amazon published what looks like an early draft of a Horizon: Zero Dawn listing for PC. It’s taken offline already but the screenshot showed above gives an interesting insight into what could be going on behind the doors at Sony themselves.
With Sony being cited as the publisher for the port, the idea that Sony might be following Microsoft’s huge strategy shift towards multi-platform game releases immediately springs into mind. Until we get official confirmation from the company, it’s still guesswork but signs are surely pointing towards it.
Maybe Horizon: Zero Dawn will be the initial Sony First-Party game to escape PlayStation exclusivity, with other exclusives following in the future? After Microsoft basically opened the floodgates when it comes to their own developed games, it looks like next-gen is going to harbor an industry shift unlike any before.