An error has occurred: Bungie, PlayStation servers buckle under Destiny Beta pressure

Well, should've seen this one coming. The beta for Destiny began today — about 10 minutes ago as of the time of this writing — and, well, it's not off to a great start. As one would expect, the number of users trying to log in, access their keys, and download the beta are causing some hiccups.

I'm currently unable to even access my download key from the Bungie website. Meanwhile, my co-worker who was able to is currently having difficulty downloading the game on his PS4. When he attempts to access the PlayStation Store to download the Destiny beta he's greeted with error code: "E-820001F7: This server is currently undergoing maintenance." The one time he did manage to get through he was met with the following error: "E-82000002: An error has occurred."

Bungie Help tweeted this message to beta participants:

It's still early, so I wouldn't panic just yet, but I sure hope this isn't a glimpse of what to expect come launch day. We've seen this sort of thing happen all too frequently as we push more towards a digital, online future with games.