Before Captain America: Civil War introduced Spider-Man into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we had Sony's version of Spider-Man. In case you forgot (no one would blame you), The Amazing Spider-Man series starred Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man and was setting up a big Spider-Man cinematic universe, likely so Sony could compete with Marvel.
These plans ultimately failed after poor critical reception and disappointing box office results, Sony gave Spider-Man back to Marvel (while still retaining some control over their character) and Marvel decided to reboot the character once again, getting rid of Andrew Garfield. Garfield was easily the best part of the series as he was incredibly charismatic and charming, but Marvel found someone who could recapture that essence in the MCU.
Speaking with Fandango about his new film, Hacksaw Ridge, the former Spider-Man actor spoke out about his thoughts on Tom Holland's Spider-Man and how glad he is that The Amazing Spider-Man 3 never saw the light of day.
"To be honest, I would not have been able to work with Mel Gibson and Martin Scorsese if I had done Spider-Man 3," Garfield said. "I'm incredibly grateful that I get to now go and watch another man play Spider-Man who I think is a fantastic actor in Tom Holland."
Two of Garfield's upcoming movies come out one month after the other and are gaining some serious Oscar buzz. After Hacksaw Ridge, a World War 2 film directed by Mel Gibson where a solider goes into battle with no weapons at all and saves dozens of American soldiers, Garfield will star in Martin Scorsese's Silence.
When asked about how he felt about being replaced as Spider-Man, the actor seemed to be more than glad that it happened.
"You know what, it's sliding doors, right? There are so many possible outcomes; so many positives and potential downsides to that situation," he said. "If I am being totally honest, I am so excited Spider-Man is back in the hands of Marvel. I think that's a really awesome move. It was a move that I've been advocating since I was offered the Spider-Man gig five or six years ago. I'm also excited for Tom Holland. I think he's a very emotional, truthful, funny, physical actor, and I love the filmmaker — it all really couldn't be in any better hands. I'm really stoked for it."
Spider-Man's next outing will be in Spider-Man: Homecoming which releases July 7th, 2017. Garfield's next films, Hacksaw Ridge and Silence, will release on November 4th and December 23rd respectively.