Another studio has signed on with Sony to bring PlayStation gamers yet another new IP. Ovosonico, a new studio headed by Shadows of the Damned director Massimo Guarini, aims to "challenge convention, to push the boundaries further and expand our medium by delivering innovative, emotionally engaging games that deeply resonate with people."
As it's becoming apparent with each and every innovative PlayStation exclusive, Ovosonico's goals line up with that of what Sony is trying to achieve. "SCE Worldwide Studios Europe understands our vision and we are thrilled to partner with them," Guarini said, emphasizing Sony's commitment in delivering ground-breaking new IPs.
"We’re incredibly excited to be working with such an innovative new studio as Ovosonico. It is through working with creative minds such as Massimo Guarini that ensures that the best exclusive games are only available on PlayStation and we firmly believe that this relationship will result in something special," added SCE Worldwide Studios Europe Senior VP Michael Denny. "This is the first studio we have worked with in Italy and due to the growing talent in this country; we believe the first of many."
Not much is known about the game at this time, but given the recent announcement of the PlayStation 4, I expect it to be a next-gen title. Ovosonico has also given subtle hints that their game will be for the PS4, such as asking fans how they feel about the new console.
With yet another PlayStation exclusive in the pipeline, Sony is proving to be the ideal candidate for independent studios to flock to. Aside from offering its own catalog of exclusives from in-house developers (Sony Santa Monica and Naughty Dog), numerous independent studios like Giant Sparrow (The Unfinished Swan) and Thatgamecompany (Journey) have found tremendous success as a result of their work for Sony. In fact, Jonathan Blow chose the PlayStation 4 as his ideal platform for The Witness because of Sony's commitment to delivering games, first and foremost.