Another Titanfall game is on the way, but not the one you thought it would be

Mobile, yay...

Respawn Entertainment promised that there would be more titans coming after Titanfall 2 and now they have revealed what their promise entailed, the next Titanfall game will be one for mobile devices!

The next Titanfall game is being described as a real-time strategy game has been revealed under the name Titanfall: Assault and is being brought to life by Respawn Entertainment and Particle City as developers with Nexon as its publisher. The game itself is being described as a "fast and fluid real-time strategy game. Combine towering Titans and agile Pilots to build an unstoppable force."

As what seems to be the standard in mobile games these days, Titanfall: Assault will also make players create their own deck of card to use in battle, or as the official website puts it, "assemble the ultimate deck of Pilots and Titans paired into heroic duos." Respawn also promises that there will be "dozens" of cards available to collect and upgrade, including the Burn Cards.

also titnfall

This is not the first time Respawn has tried to make a Titanfall game for mobile devices and before Titanfall 2 came out, they announced Titanfall: Frontline, a game that seems to at least have had similar card features as Titanfall: Assault will have, but it was eventually canceled. Particle City was a development partner there as well. While canceling Titanfall: Frontline they stated that Frontline would not be able to deliver the "intense action-packed gameplay synonymous with Titanfall" and said that concepts would be converted to their next mobile project.

Titanfall: Assault does not have yet have a release date but interested players may "pre-register" to probably get early access to the game and more updates on it.
