Despite recent current events, April 1st is meant to be the day for actual fake news, and Google might just win the day in that regard with their April Fool's Day prank, the Google Gnome. The idea behind the Gnome is that it can do things like controlling your water hose, drive your lawn mower, tell you which garden variety plants you can eat, use compost as a metaphor for your own mortality, but doesn't take indoor requests.
Google revealed the Google Gnome via their Twitter account. Here's that tweet:
What's better than a sunny yard? A punny yard. Liven up yours with #GoogleGnome.
— Google (@Google) March 31, 2017
Google even has a full page dedicated to all of the Gnome's features before redirecting you to the Google Home store page. Which kinda sucks because I think I'd actually rather have the Gnome.
Happy April Fool's Day everyone!
Source: [Google]