Hey, do you remember that one time that Octodad launched and people liked it? Yeah, well, there's a sequel on the horizon. But thankfully, the game isn't going to have some mundane title like Octodad 2. No, this upcoming indie title is worthy of something more … special.
So developer Young Horses decided on the title Octodad: Dadliest Catch. Come on, you have to admit that has an awesome ring to it. It's so witty and … effing amazing!
Once again, you'll get to take on the role of Octodad, the marine creature posing as a human. Dadliest Catch looks to deliver more physics-heavy puzzle gameplay and a ton of visual charm.
You can check out the trailer for the game on YouTube. It looks really cool. And the music playing on in the background is super catchy. Watch out for Dadliest Catch, which was officially announced for PC, Mac, and Linux.