Assassin’s Creed Valhalla details Post Launch & Season Pass

A long journey awaits

Ubisoft shared its plans for the post launch and season pass contents of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Watch the trailer below to see it for yourself!

It doesn’t come as a surprise that the launch of the next Assassin’s Creed is just the beginning. As it was the case with prior entries, Valhalla will receive substantial content with free post launch updates and an additional season pass.

Similar to Origins and Odyssey, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s season pass will include multiple expansions. This time two. First up, we have The Wrath of the Druids. In this first expansion, the world will grow with the island Ireland. A dangerous druid cult awaits in the mythical landscape that is going to add a new layer of open-world goodness.

The second expansion, The Siege of Paris, does exactly that. Players will be commanding a daring siege of the French capital here which gives some Assassin’d Creed Unity vibes. Truth is, the time period is set vastly before that game however.

Last but not least, season pass owners will further get The Legend f Beowulf bonus mission. It revolves around the mythical beast from English folklore and will be available at launch.

Even if you don’t plan on getting the season pass, Ubisoft will still add new content to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla for free after its launch. Obviously, these are not the same scope as the expansions. But you can still look forward to continuous seasonal content starting later this year. These seasonal content updates will introduce new modes, events, and more.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is due out November 10th for PC, Google Stadia, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 4. The PlayStation 5 version will launch together with the console on November 12th in North America and November 19th the rest of the world.