Attack on Pearl Harbor Single-Player Demo a Hit with Gamers

June 6, 2007

Attack on Pearl Harbor Single-Player Demo a
Hit with Gamers

Grab the demo that over 175,000 other gamers
are currently enjoying

Gamers looking for their newest WWII air-combat
fix have definitely found it, as today CDV Software Entertainment USA is pleased
to announce more than 175,000 downloads of the recently released single-player
demo of Attack on Pearl Harbor. The demo that premiered on in
late May is currently available across the web, giving aerial combat fans a
solid taste of the arcade-oriented combat that will be the game’s focus when it
ships in late July 2007. For more information about the game, please visit

Click here to download the Attack on Pearl Harbor

“Attack on Pearl Harbor is an extremely fun,
unpretentious and accessible action title that should appeal even to the most
casual action gamer, and is particularly enjoyable in multi-player matches via
LAN or the Internet,” commented CDV USA’s Director of PR and Marketing, Mario
Kroll. “We are delighted that this demo has resonated with gamers, confirming
that even in a market dominated by gigantic budgets with a primary focus on
console gaming, consumers continue to respond well to high-quality, well-priced
PC titles.”

Attack on Pearl Harbor is an aerial combat game
that will allow players to relive the action-filled dogfights of the Pacific
Theater of WWII as both Japanese and American pilots. Featuring arcade-styled
gameplay and an extremely intuitive interface, players will be able to quickly
jump into the cockpit and take part in exciting aerial battles. Richly detailed
graphics, meticulous aircraft designs and graphic-novel inspired cutscenes round
out the experience. Attack on Pearl Harbor features four solo campaigns, a
"quick play" dogfight mode and online multiplayer (up to 12-player LAN and
Internet) gameplay. In addition to the initial Japanese attack on Oahu, the game
also offers a host of famed and challenging scenarios such as the Battle of
Midway, Iwo Jima, the Doolittle Raid, Burma and Manila. Each campaign spans
several months during 1941-1945, presenting an exciting and varied selection of