Not everything you read on the internet is true, folks. Last night, Gamepur posted what they believed to be August's lineup of free PlayStation Plus games. According to the site, which sourced a Russian Twitter account, Octodad: Dadliest Catch and The Swapper would be free for PS4, Saints Row 4 and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on the PS3, and 1001 Spikes and Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland on the Vita. Here's the thing though, those foreign "sources" aren't always accurate — as evidenced by the developers who almost immediately dismissed the rumors.
Rob Clarke from Curve Studios — the British-based company responsible for porting The Swapper to PlayStation platforms — actually commented on the article, denying the speculation. "As far as The Swapper is concerned, that list is completely incorrect. We are NOT on Plus this month. You can always ask us on Twitter or via email to confirm these."
Soon after, Nicalis founder Tyrone Rodriguez took to Twitter to also dismiss the rumors, stating that "The 1001 Spikes [PS Plus] rumors are just that, rumors. Feel free to ignore them."
Granted only two of the developers on the list have come out of the woodwork to debunk it, but if two have publicly dismissed the rumors, then I'm willing to bet that the list is inaccurate. On the bright side, August is just two days away so it shouldn't be long before Sony officially comes out and announces next month's lineup of free PS Plus games.