Aww man, Dead or Alive 5 will not feature downloadable characters

In my recent preview of Dead or Alive 5, I mentioned how Tecmo Koei told me that if extra characters were released as DLC, the company wouldn't charge money for them. It seems that that's most definitely the case: Tecmo Koei will not be charging players any money for downloadable fighters … because there aren't going to be any downloadable fighters. Aww, shoot.

According to Team Ninja's Yosuke Hayashi, Dead or Alive 5 won't feature fighters as DLC because that would be unfair. The producer stated that the game is all about balance, and Tecmo Koei has been working hard to create a finely tuned experience. Hayashi feels that by adding new characters to the mix as DLC, the balance of the game would be disrupted.

"We feel like this is a kind of sport, and you don't change the rules for sports," explained Hayashi. "Everybody plays by the same rules. You don't have a 14-player soccer game versus an 11-player soccer game. That's just not fair."

It's kind of a shame that Dead or Alive 5 won't feature free downloadable characters. When I was told about the potential of free DLC, I was pretty excited and thought, "Hey, more developers should do this!" Yes, they definitely should. Don't worry, Tecmo Koei, I still love you.


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