Battlefield 4 makes its highly anticipated debut today for current-gen consoles and PC. While most of us are awaiting for what the next-gen version will look like, a number of reviews are in for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC versions. And as expected, the majority of them are positive.
Battlefield 4, powered by DICE's Frostbite 3, lets you experience war across land, air, and sea. Multiplayer offers various game modes on unique, dynamic maps that will change over the course of the match thanks to Levolution. Single-player, meanwhile, puts you in the boots of U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Daniel Recker as he and other members of the Tombstone squad fight to save the final hope for peace between U.S., Russia, and China.
So here's what sites are saying early on:
"The current-gen version of Battlefield 4 isn't the ideal way to play, but it isn't damaged or deficient despite its limitations. It accomplishes less than you'll see on other platforms, but it's still a great multiplayer shooter that makes the most of its ambitions."
"Battlefield 4 is, of course, pretty much exactly the game you expect. A rather thin single-player campaign hangs on the tail of a much more interesting and robust multiplayer offering in which players skirmish across vast maps, throwing everything from quad bikes to state-of-the-art jet fighters at each other in an attempt to gain that precious additional XP, that must-have weapon unlock, that next slot up on the leaderboard. It's Battlefield, and the fundamentals are no more likely to change than Manchester United is likely to field an ostrich in goal, just to be different."
"It’s eye-gogglingly beautiful, laced with breathtaking lighting and particle effects, and offers a significant visual and mechanical step up over the current-gen version. The campaign isn’t without its share of faults, but it's a near technically flawless launch title that finally brings Battlefield to consoles the way it should be. If you’re looking to pick up a multiplayer shooter alongside your new console, Battlefield 4 is essential."
"DICE is certainly guilty of taking an “if it ain’t broke” attitude to creating BF4, but its modest multiplayer refinements alongside excellent maps are enough to make it one of our favorite current FPSes. A cynic would call BF4 a deluxe map pack in sequel’s clothing. If that’s your predisposition, know that it’s at least a wonderful map pack, one with enough variety, depth, and quality to survive a year of intense play."
"As a package, this is the best Battlefield ever created. While the single-player is far from perfect, it bottles enough multiplayer lightning to garner my rather faint praise of ‘worth a quick play through’. As ever, though, it’s online where BF4 shines brightest. You may not appreciate just how brilliantly designed the maps, modes, and classes are until you experience those trademark moments."
"Regardless of platform, Battlefield 4 multiplayer is a blast and definitely the best reason to return to this hallowed franchise or dive in for the first time. Though the campaign makes strides in the right direction, it remains a sideshow to the main event. Expansive and exciting, challenging and empowering, Battlefield 4 multiplayer is a thrilling endeavor in this generation or the next."
Remember, this is just the current and PC versions. We're eagerly awaiting the arrival of the PS4 and Xbox One versions around mid-November.
For those of you who just can't wait, EA is offering a discounted upgrade price. When upgrading from current- to next-gen, all you'll have to do is pay $9.99.
Next week, we turn our attention towards Activision as they launch Call of Duty: Ghosts on current-gen consoles and PC.