The final Super Smash Bros. focused Direct has revealed Bayonetta as the final Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS DLC fighter. In polls taken around the world for who the final DLC fighter should be, Bayonetta was the number one choice in Europe, in the top five in the United States, and the number one choice worldwide.
Along with Bayonetta, Nintendo will be adding the Umbra Clock Tower level.
According to Nintendo, Bayonetta's gameplay will feel similar to her standalone game. This is because her gameplay style has her using a lot of combination attacks.
As a combo fighter, she can land multiple hits, but Nintendo warns that her combos are slow to start – which is similar to her gameplay in the standalone game. Holding down buttons during combo attacks will have Bayonetta firing any of her four guns, but the shots won't stun opponents or slow them, so be careful of opponents using her shooting as a way to retaliate
Bayonetta's got a couple cool moves, her smash attack, Wicked Weaves, uses her hair to summon a giant hand that smashes opponents. Her Infernal Climax final smah has her not only slowing time, but features a climax monitor that will summon the demon Gomorrahh when it's maxed out. Any opponent over 100% finished immediately.
Wii U version will come with multiple songs from her originals games, as well as trophies for Jeanne, Rodin, and Cereza. Bayonetta will be available for $5.99 on either the 3DS or Wii U or as a bundle on both consoles for $6.99.
Nintendo is targeting a February 2016 release.