Beta test applications for Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn are now open

The Final Fantasy 14 beta test is a little over a month away, and the applications are now open. A Realm Reborn, which is the new subtitle for Square Enix's Final Fantasy 14, will hopefully fix the myriad of issues that plagued the game. From what we've seen so far, the game is looking pretty good, however no gameplay video can truly convey just how the game will play until it's in the hands of the gamers.

If you want to take part in the upcoming beta tests, which include 2 phases of betas for PC and then 2 additional phases for PC and PS3, you can submit your application here.

However, if you've met the legacy requirements, you'll be able to take part in the PC beta without applying. Those wanting to try out the PS3 beta will have to apply, regardless of having legacy status.

The legacy requirements are met if you've registered your copy before May 31, 2012, and have subscribed for a minimum 90 days beyond the conclusion of the free trial period.