Beyond: Two Souls is has always been described as more of an emotional journey than a game. Perhaps that's why Quantic Dream has worked to make it more welcoming to those who may not be familiar with traditional gaming controllers. Confirmed at the Eurogamer Expo, Quantic Dream head David Cage explained Beyond: Two Souls will be completely playable using your iPhone or Android touch device.
"Not everybody was born with a DualShock controller in their hands," Cage reasoned. As for the inspiration for such a feature, Cage explained that it originated through player feedback on the studio's last PS3 game, Heavy Rain. Cage said that many people played Heavy Rain with a significant other looking off, often calling the shots but not directly controlling the character. This came as somewhat of a surprise as that's exactly how I played Heavy Rain — with my fiancée calling the shots (much like in real life). For her, it was too much to perform the required actions; she preferred to watch for the story.
"Sometimes it was the girlfriend or the wife," Cage continued, "sometimes it was the friend who was not a gamer. Sometimes it was the parents or even the grandparents; there was a guy who told me he played the entire game with his grandmother."
Looking for a way to get that second viewer more involved, Cage and Quantic Dream came up with a simpler controller scheme using a touchscreen device. Beyond Touch was then born.
"It connects to the console via Wi-Fi, and from this point you can play the entire game, in single-player if you want, just using your iPhone … just with one finger. It's a very simplified interface [and] makes the game very passive and simple."
Available now as a free download, Beyond Touch acts as a replacement for your wireless controller. All you need is for your PS3 to be on connected on the same WiFi network as your touch device.
According to cage, you can also play the game in co-op, with one person controlling Jodie Holmes (Ellen Page) and the other person controlling the Entity that is intrinsically linked with her. To Quantic Dream, this is a "key feature" in the game.
As someone whose significant other enjoys watching games for the story, I'm intrigued to see how this simpler controller scheme and co-op will work with Beyond: Two Souls. Rather than my fiancée experiencing the story in a more passive way, I'm hoping she'll now play along with the more familiar iPhone controls.