BioShock ‘Ultimate Rapture’ Edition outed by BBFC

The Brits are at it again, leaking BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition, a new bundle featuring the first two BioShock games and all the DLC that has been released.

Here's the description for BioShock Ultimate Rapture Edition:

BIOSHOCK ULTIMATE RAPTURE is an science fiction game compilation that includes the original BIOSHOCK title, its sequel BIOSHOCK 2 and the 'DLC' additions, such as an added single player story and further multiplayer elements. The game was classified '18' for strong bloody violence and very strong language.

As punishment for prematurely listing the new bundle, the BBFC will be added assassin targets in future DLC for Assassin's Creed 3.

2K Games has made no official comment on the matter and the listing has since been pulled. Too late BBFC, we've all seen it! Maybe they are releasing this to hold us over while BioShock Infinite keeps getting pushed back.