Blackguards 2 shows off some new horrific monsters


In a strategy game, your strategy matters. Duh. So like, when there are giant patchwork creatures that enter the battlefield and jump into your formations scattering your characters – that’s a problem. These heaps of bone and muscle are known in Blackguards 2 as Leapers. No formation is spared from their chaos and carnage of these abominations.

Sand Ghosts are another ‘joy’ in Blackguards 2. These creatures will pelt you with ranged attacks, swallow characters, or just fly through our lines disrupting everything. On top of, they are only weak to magic attacks so make sure you have mages with you.  

The mobile insects are a combination of human and bug. Due to this merger, they can fly and move far distances. Their natural armor is thick, absorbing much of the impact from attacks. These foes are known to fly in from nowhere, take distant archer positions, and some can even cast spells.

Jasper Wood are created by a mage known as the “Druid.” These horrific hulks combine trees with animals and machine parts. Their touch bark makes them formidable. Oh, and they are protected by bees. Yup, bees. Make sure you destroy the bees first. Bees don’t like fire. Burn the bees.   

Through tactics and the right know-how, you can control these beasts on the battlefield and turn them against their creators/summoners. Just one more way to play the way you like to in Blackguards 2.