Blacklight: Retribution demo reveals PS4 dev kit interface

If you're into all of the behind-the-scenes tech of video game development, you might enjoy this latest video clip, uploaded by MoejoeWins, which shows a brief look at the PlayStation 4's dev kit interface. During Zombie Studios' demo of Blacklight: Retribution, the game crashes, taking us to the dev kit interface. It's not the flashiest thing ever, but it's always fun to see things from the developer side.

I wouldn't worry too much about the game crashing either. Zombie Studios explained to viewers that this is "one of the first test kits to come out" and that the game is "no where near alpha, let alone beta." The demo shown is from E3, which Zombie Studios will be bringing to Gamescom and PAX to start showing off to the general public. These type of glitches and crashes tend to happen early in development.

Blacklight: Retribution is completely free-to-download and play on the PS4 and does not require a subscription to PlayStation Plus.