During PAX Prime 2013, Gearbox had a few announcements for its flagship title, Borderlands 2. One was a whole new add-on, titled TK Baha's Bloody Harvest, and the other, which is available starting today on all platforms, is the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak Challenge.
The new Upgrade Pack 2 will give players 11 additional levels, more legendary gear, and a whole new map titled "Raid on Digistruct Peak" which should only be accessed by players who have hit the level cap. Those who own the original Upgrade Pack and then purchase Upgrade Pack 2, will gain even more rare and valuable loot, as well as the ability to over-level.
“After the close of the Season Pass, we promised fans they could expect more great content for Borderlands 2,” said Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software. “Gearbox has been hard at work to provide additional top-shelf offerings for the title, and both our casual and hardcore fans alike will appreciate what’s laid on the table with this wave of exciting new downloadable content.”
Here is a graphic letting you know of all the goodies you're getting if you own both Upgrade Packs.
So what are you waiting for?! GO UPGRADE OR GO HOME!