The wait for Borderlands 2 is almost over! With Gearbox's highly anticipated sequel set to launch tomorrow in the U.S. (September 21 Internationally), vault hunters all over can't wait to land on Pandora and take out Handsome Jack, the new man in power on Pandora who is looking to exterminate the existing colonist population and industrialize the planet.
With the four original vault hunters now in Hyperion's clutches, it's up to you — who will play as one of four new vault hunters (five once Gaige, the Mechromancer, is released in October) — to rescue them and eliminate Handsome Jack. As we all know though, it won't be easy. You're going to need a ton of weapons to succeed. Thankfully, Borderlands is known for its vast weaponry, and Borderlands 2 has a bazillion of guns to choose from!
Handsome Jack's Hyperion corporation must be destroyed! If you aren't yet pumped for Borderlands 2, this trailer should do the job.