Borderlands Online cancelled in the wake of 2K China closure

NBA 2K Online is still safe, though, folks.

After announcing a pushed back release for Battleborn, Take-Two Interactive has followed up that news with the fact that they are closing 2K China, which also spells the end of the line for Borderlands Online. 

Via a representative, the company explained, "We are excited about the opportunities to expand our business in Asia, and we remain committed to delivering triple-A offerings for that region. At this time, we can confirm that we are closing 2K China."

"We determined that the additional time required to finish current projects at the studio, particularly Borderlands Online, would not yield a favorable return on investment."

However, for fans of the successful NBA 2K Online, don’t worry. That game is handled out of the company’s Singapore branch and is unaffected by the 2K China closure. While it would have been interesting to see where they were going with Borderlands Online, it always held more a morbid curiosity for many as Borderlands has such a specific category of co-op play and news of studio closures have long since lost their shock, even on those associated with high profile games.