If you're a PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 Destiny player, things are going to be a bit rough for you on September 8th. On that day, Destiny will be prepped for the release of its upcoming expansion, The Taken King, with an update.
Bungie has detailed this update as "major," but they seem to have meant 'mandatory.' Of course, the update will probably do a number of things, but the biggest thing it will do is eat away at your gaming platforms storage space.
Xbox 360 players will require around 10GB free for the update and PS3 players will "need closer to 20GB free for the required update during installation, and then about 10GB free for the required update after installation." On the level of who was screwed over more in this, it looks like it was PS3 players.
There is no way around this update, it is required for you to download it if you want to continue playing Destiny — even if you don't intend on purchasing The Taken King.
What are your choices? Bungie was kind enough to detail your two options.
You can either…
A.) Upgrade your storage space on your PS3 or Xbox 360
- PS3: https://support.us.playstation.com/articles/en_US/KC_Article/Upgrade-the-PS3-Hard-Disk-Drive-HDD
- Xbox 360: http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-360/accessories/usb-flash-drive-faq
B.) "Upgrade your console"
- "Your Destiny Characters, gear, and progress will currently transfer if you upgrade either from PS3 to PS4 or from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. Cross family data transfer (e.g. PS3 to Xbox One or Xbox 360 to PS4) is not supported."
Everything in quotes is directly from Bungie's size requirements page. You heard them, if you don't have enough room and can't upgrade — it's time for a new console. If you're running Destiny on a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, you can look forward to requiring a minimum of 60GB on your system.
The Taken King is set to release on September 15th.
[via GameSpot]