Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 spotted for Xbox One via backwards compatibility

Please be true!

One of the biggest first-person shooters of all time is making it's return on Xbox One if a recent report from a Reddit user is to be believed.

A Reddit user by the name of "AlbyPlays" posted some images that showed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 listed on the Xbox One store under the backwards compatibility section. When the user went to click on the title, he was brought to an error page and the game was removed from the Xbox Store.

About two weeks ago, there was a rumor floating around stating that Modern Warfare 1 and 2 would come with pre-orders for the next Call of Duty title as backwards compatible games. If history repeats itself, the new Call of Duty will be announced within the next few weeks. 

Of course, this could be a good photoshop attempt and the user was using these rumors to gain attention. No doubt, we will find out if this rumor is true sometime before the end of May when the next Call of Duty is inevitably revealed.

In other Call of Duty news, there have been many other rumors surrounding the series. One particular rumor points to the next game in the popular military shooter being set in space! Not exactly sure how you would set a whole game like Call of Duty out in the vast place we call outer space, but I'm down to try anything once!