Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered released last November alongside the newest entry in the series, Infinite Warfare. People flocked towards Remastered due to it being one of the best games in the series and fans have been clamoring for some classic boot on the ground gameplay. Despite it being exactly what fans wanted, it didn't include all the maps from the original game. Shortly after, Raven added a free updated that added all of the maps from the original game but the DLC maps were still missing. Many assumed we'd also get those in a free update, but they were wrong.
On March 21st, players can buy the 4 DLC maps that released back in 2008. The Variety Pack will include Creek, Broadcast, Chinatown and Killhouse and it'll also include 10 rare supply drops which includes cosmetic items for players. The map pack will cost $14.99 for everyone, even those who own the Infinite Warfare season pass. When the map pack released back in 2008, it cost only $10 but the extra $5 might be for the additional supply drops.
It's currently unclear if the Xbox One and PC versions of the DLC will release on March 21st as well due to the timed exclusivity with the Infinite Warfare DLCs. If it doesn't, it should be made available at the end of April or early May.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is out now but the only way to get is to buy the collector's editions for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare which starts at $79.99 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.