Card battling game Outcast Odyssey out on iOS and Android

They used deviantART to find their artists, awesome!

There will never be enough free-to-play collectible car battling games out there.

At least we have a new one coming to iOS and Android, right?

Outcast Odyssey takes the careful strategy of card-based combat and mixes it with RPG-like dungeon crawling. It's both single player and multiplayer. You can form guilds, make trades with friends or even battle online — all while upping your card collection count.

This card game uses indie art too, if that makes it any more awesome! Bandai Namco went to deviantART and collected the artists that they wanted to use. It's safe to say the Outcast Odyssey made use of some pretty talented people. 

Check it out on the App Store or on the Google Play Store.

Good luck collecting!