Champions Online Goes Free-to-Play This Month

Yet another flailing Western MMO has decided to try its luck with the F2P approach; Cryptic’s Champions Online: Free for All will be made available on January 25, 2011.

Not all content will be available to all players, of course, as Cryptic is reserving “premium” goods for those willing to pay. Adventure Packs contain special items, powers, and costumes that can be purchased outright in the C-Store, while those willing to continue paying the games monthly $15 subscription fee will now be considered Gold Members, and will have most of the game’s content unlocked.

“It’s a genuine pleasure to be able to announce our release date for Champions Online: Free for All,” said John Needham, CEO, Cryptic Studios. “On January 25, 2011, any gamer or would-be superhero can play within the ever-improving world of Champions Online for no cost.”

I bought this game during Steam’s ridiculous holiday sale madness, so be on the lookout for HelloKittyKiller187 come January 26!