Early this month, Atlus announced Shin Megami Tensei 4, which is due out July 16 on 3DS. It's the most recent entry in the main role-playing game series in the last 10 years. Europe got a glimpse of the game in English during Wednesday's Nintendo Direct.
Nintendo of Europe president Satoru Shibata described the game in the video below (beginning at the 35:34 mark), which shows English translations and some gameplay.
Shin Megami Tensei 4 is "the first true successor to 2004's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne," according to a press release. The story focuses on the samurai protectors of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. Players defend their home from armies of demon invaders (with over 400 to recruit and fuse) while dealing with various factions. Decisions during play will have a lasting effect.
The game uses the strategic Press-Turn system of combat, where exploiting an enemy's weakness can grant an extra turn. On the other hand, recklessness has negative repercussions.
Atlus also announced this week that SMT4 will launch as a limited edition box set, complete with a strategy guide/design book, a music collection CD, and special slipcase package designed by Atlus artist Masayuki Doi.
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