Comic Book Men, the unscripted show on AMC following Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash comic book store, is returning with its mid-season 2 premiere. Actor/writer/director Kevin Smith and his staff of the Secret Stash live, work and breathe comic books. Mike, Walt, Ming and Bryan — who have all worked with Kevin Smith for years, appearing in his movies or running his website — get to experience rare memorabilia and discover treasures of the comic collecting world.
But it's not all comic books and geek culture. With a podcast mixed-in to the show, you get to see these guys' love of comics as experience their bonds of friendship firsthand through their banter, antics, fun and games, and their love of comics.
The geeks shall inherit the Earth when Comic Book Men returns Thursday, February 14 9/8c on AMC.
You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at