Crafting and customization detailed in Dragon Age: inquisition

I know people who spent hours leveling their blacksmithing in Skyrim, I on the other hand spent more time in creating my character than on blacksmithing.

Dragon Age is not Skyrim, but just what will you be crafting in Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Throughout your travels in Inquisition you'll be gathering ingredients to craft unique items and potent potions/tonics. It doesn't begin and end with crafting though, customization will also be a big theme. Customization goes beyond the physical appearance in Inquisition, you'll be controlling how your followers react to combat (and what they do) and you'll be customizing their gear to up their abilities.

There's a lot more information on crafting and customization in the video above, check it out and get hyped!

Inquisition is releasing on November 18 for the PlayStation 3, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and the PC.