DC Comics has revealed their updated logo

Looks like they're going for more of a retro look.

DC Comics has just unveiled their newest update to the publisher's series of classic logos. 

Following in the wake of the New 52, which acted as a massive paradigm shift for the universe of the comics, DC has just dropped their latest changes to the classic letters. The logo appears to have taken on a more retro look, as opposed to the current logo (known as the "peel" logo) originally introduced in 2012, which adorned itself with a very modern, unprecedented array. Senior VP of marketing, Amit Desai, had this to say about the launch:

"The launch of the new logo is the perfect tribute to DC’s legacy, exciting future and most importantly, our fans."

The new logo will make its debut on the cover of DC Universe: Rebirth Special #1, available May 25th, before being featured on all the subsequent DC titles, as well as all of DC's television, film projects, and media.