Since its release, Destiny has found many ways to troll its playerbase for the past year. And just when you think the torture would come to an end with all of the improvements coming in Year Two, starting with The Taken King, Bungie twists the knife one final time.
Remember last week, when mysterious weekend vendor Xur brought with him the Gjallarhorn rocket launcher, making Destiny's most sought after weapon available to purchase for everyone with enough Strange Coins.
This was too good to be true, of course. Surely, there had to be some catch. Well, there is.
As revealed by Bungie in yesterday's weekly update, Gjallarhorn will no longer be the overpowered weapon you know it as. Turns out, the rocket launcher will not be getting an upgrade to bring it up to par with the new Year Two weapons coming with The Taken King this September.
"Gjallarhorn will remain a Year One Exotic at Year One levels," Bungie wrote.
And just like that, the excitement of owning Destiny's most sought after weapon was flushed down the toilets. Destiny giveth, Bungie taketh away.
Now it's possible Destiny's Year One weapons will be fine for the new content coming with The Taken King and beyond — especially given that it was overpowered at it's current level. But should it be suitable for new content, it's quite likely Gjallarhorn won't be as strong as it's considered now. On the bright side, The Taken King should introduce new overpowered weapons to play with that, of course, Xur probably won't ever sell until the next major expansion.