Remember a few months back when I wrote about Sunset Overdrive's mascot Fizzie, and how he was the internet's biggest jerk? Well, he may have some competition — Destiny's Legendary Engram.
Anyone who has played Destiny knows that I'm talking about. Even when you see a Legendary Engram drop, there's a good chance the Cryptarch — being the di*k that he is — will turn it into a blue Rare. Seriously, I know a guy who had three Legendaries turned into Rares by the Cryptarch. Needless to say, whether you're grinding for Vanguard or simply taking advantage of those easy farming spots, actually getting Legendary items in Bungie's new online shooter is one of the most frustrating things ever.
If seeing your precious purple get turned into a blue wasn't heartbreaking enough, there's a newly created Twitter account to really rub it in your face. The account goes by the name "Legendary Engram" (of course) and its tweets, well, let's just say they hit home. And they hurt. Here's some examples.
I'm sorry to hear that you're so… blue.
— Legendary Engram (@legendaryengram) September 17, 2014
Congratulations on completing the weekly heroic strike! I had to hear about it secondhand. I was off dropping in a game of Clash.
— Legendary Engram (@legendaryengram) September 18, 2014
All joking aside, I am a Pulse Rifle with vanilla stats.
— Legendary Engram (@legendaryengram) September 18, 2014
What's more, no one is safe from the Legendary Engram account. It even attacks Activision and Bungie for Destiny's shortcomings.
If you liked Destiny, you'll love Destiny the Sequel. Now with dialog, character development, matchmaking, and loot!
— Legendary Engram (@legendaryengram) September 18, 2014
What a di*k. But totally true. To make yourself more depressed, check out all of Legendary Engram's account here.