Bungie has begun rolling out Destiny update and you should soon (if you haven't already) receive a message asking you to login again upon returning to orbit to download the patch. As promised, today's update increases rewards for the Weekly Nightfall as well as a few other specific activities, and also brings the new Void Super ability back into check. Check out the full patch notes for Destiny hot fix
Nightstalker Hunter
- Temporarily removed the extra shots from Quiver to avoid unlimited Shadowshots
- This is a temporary fix, and the node will be restored in a fixed state in an upcoming patch
Daily Heroic Story
- Removed deprecated Quest requirements from "Siege of the Warmind"
- Removed deprecated Quest requirements from "The Wakening"
Weekly Nightfall Strike
- Increased the base level of Nightfall Legendary rewards by 10 Attack/Defense
- Increased the chance of Legendary rewards by 10% (from 50% to 60%)
- Increased the number of Strange Coins or Three of Coins awards
- Ghosts have been added to the Legendary reward loot table
- Legendary Engrams no longer drop from Nightfall Strike boss kills
- They will continue to drop their unique Legendary items
- Removed Antiquated Runes from the loot tables
King's Fall
- King's Fall Hard Mode will be available at 10AM on 10/23
- Recommended Light is 310
- King's Fall Hard Mode has the following changes:
- King's Fall Hard Mode rewards will drop up to 320 Light
- Oryx in Hard Mode will guarantee a Raid item drop each week, without requiring Moldering Shards
- Oryx in Normal mode will still require Moldering Shards
- Moldering Shards can drop in King's Fall Hard Mode, but only if a character hasn't cleared King's Fall Normal for the week
Weekly Crucible Bounty
- Increased base level of Weekly Crucible Bounty Legendary rewards by 10 Attack
- Increased number of Strange Coins awarded
- Ghosts have been added to the Legendary reward loot table